
In Memoriam: Michael Novak

Author: Kenneth Hallenius

Michael Novak

The Center for Ethics and Culture lost a great friend upon the death of author, journalist, diplomat, and philosopher Michael Novak on February 17, 2017. "Michael was a kind man and influential Catholic thinker…

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Disability and the Face of Mercy: Notre Dame Collaborates with Pontifical Council to Host Conference

Author: Kenneth Hallenius

Seven Works Of Mercy Small

The Notre Dame Center for Ethics and Culture and the Jacques Maritain Center at Notre Dame, in collaboration with the Pontifical Council for the New Evangelization, are hosting a two-day colloquium on disability and mercy to take place in Rome, June 5–6, 2016. The colloquium will bring together theologians, scholars, historians, persons with disabilities, families, and intentional Christian communities for shared discussion about disability and the ways in which mercy, properly understood, requires friendship, communion, and a shared life with those who have disabilities.

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