
Director Carter Snead on Hobby Lobby Ruling

Author: Stephen Freddoso

Below is a statement from O. Carter Snead, Director of the Notre Dame Center for Ethics and Culture and Professor of Law at Notre Dame Law School, regarding today's Supreme Court ruling in Burwell v. Hobby Lobby.

"Today’s Supreme Court opinion in Hobby Lobby is a strong and…

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Center Leads on Notre Dame Day

Author: Angela Bermudez

Thanks to everyone who has taken the time to vote for the Center for Ethics and Culture on Notre Dame Day. Because of your help, the Center finished at the top of the leaderboard for Centers and Institutes, and ranked in the top ten overall!

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Unexpected Pregnancy Counseling Training

Author: Angela Bermudez

Facing an unexpected pregnancy can be one of the most difficult challenges that a person can encounter. In facing that challenge, a person, whether a woman or a man, may reach out to someone else with questions on what to do or where to go. The person to whom they reach out could be

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Father Dailey awarded Magister Vitae Award

Author: Angela Bermudez

Congratulations to Rev. Bill Dailey, C.S.C., our Thomas More fellow, for winning the second annual Magister Vitae Award! The award is given by Notre Dame Right to Life to an outstanding faculty member at the University of Notre Dame whose teaching, scholarship,

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