
Daniel Philpott to Direct ND Center for Civil and Human Rights

Author: Angela Bermudez

Daniel Philpott, a professor of political science and peace studies at the University of Notre Dame, has been appointed the director of the Notre Dame Center for Civil and Human Rights, effective January 1. Professor Philpott, whose research focuses on religion and reconciliation in politics, is great friend of the Center and a member of our Advisory Board. Congratulations to Professor Philpott!

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ND Law Prof. Discusses Hobby Law Case

Author: Stephen Freddoso

In today's L.A. Times, ND Law Prof. Richard Garnett discusses the merits of Hobby Lobby's lawsuit against the Department of Health and Human Services. The company is suing HHS over a rule in the Affordable Care which will require it to provide insurance coverage for contraception and some drugs that many believe can cause abortions.

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Former Edith Stein Fellow Angela Miceli on Authentic Feminine Excellence

Author: Stephen Freddoso


Angela Miceli, the Center's former Edith Stein Fellow, has penned a piece focusing on authentic Feminine Excellence over at Public Discourse. In the piece, Miceli, who is now an instructor at the University of Navarre, responds to recent articles by Princeton University's Anne-Marie Slaughter and Elizabeth Corey about whether women can "have it all."

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Center to Host On-Campus Screening of Mandela Film

Author: Stephen Freddoso

On Thursday, December 12th at 6:30 pm, the Center will sponsor a film screening in the Browning Cinema of the DeBartolo Performing Arts Center. The film, entitled Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom, portrays the life of Nelson Mandela, the South African anti-apartheid leader who served as President of South Africa from 1994 to 1998. 

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Dr. Edmund Pellegrino Has Died

Author: Stephen Freddoso

Dr. Edmund Pellegrino, long-time Center friend and Clarke Lecturer, has died. Below is a short tribute to a great man.


The Passing of an Icon


Prof. Edmund D. Pellegrino MD, Professor Emeritus of Medicine and Bioethics,

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Center Founder David Solomon to Receive Ramsey Award

Author: Angela Bermudez

The Notre Dame Center for Ethics and Culture is pleased to announce that David Solomon, Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of Notre Dame and founder of the Center for Ethics and Culture, has been selected to receive the prestigious Paul Ramsey Award for excellence in bioethics. David's…

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Please Pray for John Shankman

Author: Angela Bermudez

Please pray for John Shankman, who was seriously injured in a car accident last week. John's mother, Dr. Kimberly Shankman, is the Dean of Benedictine college and a longtime friend of the Center.

We will keep the Shankman family in our prayers. For updates on his condition, see Benedictine's

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Medical Ethics Conference this Weekend!

Author: Angela Bermudez

The Center's Annual Medical Ethics Conference kicks off this Friday March 8th! On Friday at 4PM in the McKenna Hall Auditorium, Elvira Parravicini of Columbia Medical School will give a presentation entitled "Life and the Need for Happiness." The presentation will will focus on…

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