Largest ND Contingent Ever Join in March For Life 2018

Author: Kenneth Hallenius

M4l2018 Smaller

On January 19, the Center partnered with the Notre Dame Right to Life student club to send 1,034 students and nearly 100 faculty and staff to the annual March for Life in Washington, D.C. Center Director O. Carter Snead gave an interview from the National Mall during the EWTN broadcast (his interview begins at the 14-minute mark).

Cec At Whitehouse

Professor Snead and CEC Sorin Fellows David Bender, Aly Cox, and Jack Ferguson were invited to join a small gathering at the White House Rose Garden, where for the first time in history the President of the United States addressed the Rally For Life via satellite. Professor Snead also attended a reception for national pro-life leaders hosted by Vice President Mike Pence the evening before the March For Life.

This year's 1,100-strong Notre Dame contingent at the March For Life was a record-setting 25% larger than any previous cohort and included nearly 10% of the undergraduate student body. As Notre Dame Right to Life commissioner Nick Gabriele said, "It really speaks to the importance of the issue to people here on campus." Notre Dame again brought more students to the March than any other university.

Following the March For Life, the Center co-sponsored a reception with the Notre Dame Alumni Association that gathered more than 400 alumni, faculty, staff, families, and students to celebrate the impact of Notre Dame's record-setting attendance.