Director Gives Two Lectures for University of Chicago's Program on Religion and Medicine

Author: Angela Bermudez

On Tuesday, July 23, 2012, Center Director and Notre Dame Law professor Carter Snead delivered two lectures as part of the University of Chicago’s Program on Medicine and Religion Faculty Scholars Summer Intensive Program. The two presentations were entitled, “Understanding the HHS Contraceptive Mandate” and “The Explanatory Limits of Modern Science for Public Bioethics.” The first lecture explored and offered a critique of the recent Department of Health and Human Services regulation requiring virtually every employer in America (including many Catholic institutions) to facilitate the provision of all FDA-approved contraceptives (including some drugs, such as ellaOne, which can function as abortifacients) and forms of sterilization to their employees. The second examined the vexed question of how to integrate the premises and methods of modern science into the governance of science, medicine, and biotechnology in the name of ethical goods.