News » Archives » June 2024

dCEC Hosts Conference on Pope Benedict XVI’s Legacy

Author: Kenneth Hallenius

Rev. Federico Lombardi, S.J., speaks about his time with Pope Benedict XVI

The de Nicola Center for Ethics and Culture, in partnership with the Vatican’s Foundation Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI and the Benedict XVI Institute, hosted the second part of an international conference at the University of Notre Dame April 7–9, 2024, reflecting on the intellectual legacy of Pope Benedict XVI.

The conference, one of the first to focus on the late pontiff's legacy following his passing in December 2022, included contributions from both emeritus and emerging scholars from around the world who discussed six of the most influential addresses delivered by the Holy Father during the course of his papacy.

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dCEC director Carter Snead testifies before US Senate Judiciary Committee

Author: Shannon Roddel

Professor O. Carter Snead testifies before U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee

O. Carter Snead, the Charles E. Rice Professor of Law and director of the de Nicola Center for Ethics and Culture at the University of Notre Dame, offered expert testimony on Wednesday (June 12) before the U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary on “Crossing the Line: Abortion Bans and Interstate Travel for Care After Dobbs.”


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